Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mobicon 14 Schedule

I'm off to Mobicon 14 this weekend. I have three major workshops/panels on my schedule -- and they're all my brain-children -- and two "meet and greet"s. For two workshops, I'm flying solo and the third brings in two other authors. Should be fun! Also, I'll have a few copies of BLOOD LAW to give away and free BLOOD SECRETS swag!

Here's the complete schedule for those who are in the area and may be interested in attending:

Location: Ashbury Suites & Inns
Mobile, AL

Dates: May 20-22

Schedule for Jeannie Holmes:


12:30-1:30 -- The Art of Dialogue: Speech is fluid and filled with loops, whirls, stops, and starts. Filling your characters' dialogue with the same can instantly kill their likeability. This interactive workshop uses improvisation and audience participation to demonstrate techniques for refining your characters' speech.

2:30-3:30 -- Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies--Oh, My!: The supernatural has branched out of the fantasy and horror genres to invade mysteries, romances, and thrillers. Why be limited to the traditional views? Learn to think outside of the paranormal box to fine new creatures and ways to thrill your readers.

7:30-8:30 -- Meet the Guests


2:30-3:30 -- Undying Love OR Eternal Struggle? Writing Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy: Is it a romance with fantasy elements or a fantasy with romantic elements? Learn to spot the difference between paranormal romance and urban fantasy and the basics for writing both. (Moderator: Jeannie Holmes Panelists: Candace Sams, Violet Reid)


10:00-11:00 -- Sunday Morning Hangover with All Surviving Guests

That's my complete schedule for the weekend. I'll be hanging out and chatting around the con. Feel free to find me and strike up a conversation. I won't bite....or will I?

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